This 5km hike, found in the Western Galilee, is beautiful all year round, but is best done in the spring when there is plenty of water (spring time). This route is not circular, so 2 cars are needed ( unless you are happy to walk 10km). One can start this route either at the Betzet end or at the Sharech end. If starting at the Betzet end one needs to put -חניה מעיינות נחל בצת into Waze. If starting at the Sharech end put חניון שרך into Waze. Once you have parked your car (on the Betzet end) there is an easy 20min walk down to the start of the river.
It doesnt matter where you start this route, the entire 5km is absolutely stunning. Pink flowers, cool refreshing water and beautiful small waterfalls, makes this magical route one of my al time favourites
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